Timetables (schedules) of all municipally run or commissioned transit services (buses, subway, rail tram etc). Locations of stops would also be good (as geodata) but is not required to answer this question affirmatively.

Data Location



The site of the city of Neuquen contains information on transport schedules, bus travel (mobile app), metered parking. The data is not in open format.

The city of Neuquén is the capital of Neuquén province and the city has 550. 350 inhabitants (2010 census). On the website of the government of the city contains information from different areas but the city of Neuquen has no policy of open government. The site does not provide information on open data formats and to re-use for citizens. The information that provided is in PDF. The information important such as annual budget and spending presupeusto, health, ecucatión, purchase orders and environment does not contain free information for citizens. However, the government of the province of Neuquen has a portal with datasets open government and free software portal uses CKAN.

Reviewer comments

Submission is correct.

Data Availability

  • ? Openly licensed
  • ? Is the data machine readable
  • Y Is the data available for free
  • ? Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis
  • ? Available in bulk
  • Y Is the data available online
  • Y Is data in digital form
  • Y Does the data exist
  • Y Publicly available
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure
  • No data


Date the data became available   Unknown
Format of data   Unknown
Reviewer   Paula Alzualde
Submitters   Yamila García
Last modified   Thu Feb 25 2016 16:27:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)